Archive for the ‘Home Decor’ Category

Out & About!
March 20, 2011

We were out & about this weekend checking out Pattaya’s Music Festival that filled the streets with hundreds of vendors. Everything from music to food to trinkets covered Beach Road. I stopped for some freshly squeezed orange juice….which tasted amaaazing I might add.

More please? I bought another one within 5 minutes.

This next vendor was Stephen’s favorite. The smells from the grill had us searching for this barbecued chicken, as you can see we were successful.

And some other things that have me smiling?

Chips & Salsa!

I swear I could live off chips and salsa...true story.

French Pastry ~ Pettole! Okay basically a Donut in other words. But after searching the Internet a zillion times, my Pettole pastries turned out more like elegant blueberry pancakes.

It’s just as well, I would rather eat dessert for breakfast any day 🙂

Home Decor! Through our vendor/bargain shopping Stephen picked out this hand-carved wooden vase. He may not be into shopping for clothes, but the fact that he enjoys apartment shopping has me smiling. 🙂

A perfect accent to a side table!

After another weekend of browsing Pattaya’s streets, we are exhausted. The weekends go by too fast! We’re ready to enjoy a relaxing Sunday night – Thai take-out and movies sound good to me. Hope you had a great weekend! Stay dressed to dish 🙂

A Day of Indulging
March 13, 2011

As soon as we walked into McDonald's, the smell of hot fries & hashbrowns got me excited. Yes - food excites me & the fact that it smelled like home!

We love spending our weekends exploring Pattaya City, as there are so many hidden restaurants and shops to be found. However, Saturday morning we began with a taste of home. Before I left home, my grandma kept telling me that I could always run to the closest McDonald’s if I ever became homesick. So coffee & breakfast at McDonald’s Saturday morning definitely got our day going and did in fact make me feel at home 🙂 Call me crazy, but I love McDonald’s coffee. It tasted perfect with my blueberry muffin. A quick shout out to my mom – Happy Birthday! Since I was not there to indulge in birthday cake, this muffin was a nice substitute 🙂

Moving on with our day, I finally got up the courage to confront a random “dressed to dish” person! I loved her dress and while I meant to get a better shot of her outfit, her adorable daughter stole the show.

She was so cute!

So by the time Saturday afternoon rolled around, I was in need of a quick pick-me-up and ordered some coffee. Guess what came complimentary with my coffee!? CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES. I just can’t seem to take a break from my chocolate phase.

Free truffles? I'll take it.

Okay fine I confess. I did decide to order my coffee from a cafe called Chocalatier. It was my own fault. But seriously I can’t pass a sign that says “Buy one drink, get free truffles”.

Row after row of truffles!

Yep I knew well in advance that eating truffles would be inevitable if I ordered coffee. Oops! In my defense, the truffle did say ‘Bite Me’ 🙂

Today we picked up a few new home accessories including accent pillows and place mats to give our apt some extra flare. Not to mention, a more cozy appeal. And then fast forward and we were ready for dinner. During the week we usually cook in each night, so Friday & Saturday are usually our days we choose to dine out. So after lots of walking, we enjoyed a tasty Italian dinner at a restaurant just down the street. Notice I said ‘lots of walking’. That justifies my decision to devour half a pizza to myself. Take note of Stephen’s pasta portion…then compare with my Smoked Salmon & Mozzarella Pizza. I may have a slightly bigger portion 😉

Ready to take on my pizza….here goes slice number 1!

Annnnd half a pizza later, I’m stuffed.


Yes that just happened.

After dinner we saw the movie ‘Red Riding Hood’. It definitely kept my attention, with a much different take on the story! As for now, I’m off to make a healthy dinner after yesterday’s indulgences.

Our thoughts & prayers go out to those affected by the earthquake in Japan. Thankfully Thailand was not affected from the aftermath of it all.


The Lifestyle
February 12, 2011

While Food and Fashion are the key ingredients that deliver Dressed to Dish, it’s the lifestyle I live that makes me happy. I decided to create this page because I wanted to emphasize the fact that I strive to lead a healthy “dressed to dish” life. In between all the food, clothes and accessories, there’s a balance to my life. That means while I may devour an entire pizza to myself, the next day I am making up for it through healthy eating & exercise. I am a health nut at heart.

A HEALTHY BALANCE if I ever saw one – Salad & Fries! Life’s no fun if you can’t INDULGE.

Honestly when I first started blogging, I thought I would never blog about my workout habits and healthy tendencies. Why? This was because I felt there would be pressure on me to follow through with it…what if I slipped up and didn’t workout for a week, would I tell my readers? But now I am here to tell you while FOOD & FASHION are my loves, you will see all that goes into my “dressed to dish” lifestyle – healthy obsessions included! After all, there’s nothing like a quick trip to the gym to pep up my “dressed to dish” attitude. Confidence is key 🙂

Besides, my healthy balance allows me to enjoy life to the fullest! A few cocktails along the way won’t hurt either!

February Fever ~ For Fashion
February 2, 2011

February Fashion - Romantic Reds & Pinks

I love February, it’s probably one of my favorite months – and not just because of my birthday (although that is a small part 🙂 ). I snapped this picture from the latest Cosmo edition and I think it sums up the perfect color scheme. When I think of February I think of pinks, reds and all things romantic. Girls always play up the infamous V-Day, expecting roses, candy, stuffed animals and everything else under the kitchen sink. I confess I may have been guilty of that at one time or another. But now when I think about it, I would much rather be surprised than have a specific day to enjoy all of those things. Coming home to a dozen flowers on a random day out of the year is so much more exciting and unexpected. It only makes sense the new season of The Bachelor has started just in time for February, as the hype is all about the red rose!

Now granted these are fake flowers, but they are the perfect accessory to add to any decor. They sit on our kitchen table and every time I see them, they just make me happy.

I rummaged through my make-up and picked several colors that were perfect for February fashion. Everyday I use my Dream Mousse Blush (Maybelline), and my Benetint lip gloss. For occassions when I need a little more glow, I use my Benetint liquid blush.

Fashion week in NYC takes off on February 10th! I can only imagine the craziness that is going on in preparation right now. With lots of celebrities, top designers, and guests, I am excited to see pictures of the fashion trends that arise from this week.

Let me just clarify I am no fashion expert by any means. I am just the average girl on a budget, with a LOVE for fashion. My goal is to take fashion trends and inspirations I see and create a look without breaking the bank. So going along with my “February Fever”, I found a pink ruffle top and dark skinny jeans that scream “February” in my opinion!

After all that’s been said about my obsession for February, I would be lying if I wasn’t extremely excited to end this month with my            B-DAY 🙂  Stephen and I both share birthdays one week apart from each other this month…that’s Cake X 2!! (Ha which means GYM X 6!)