Say Cheese!
November 21, 2011

I don’t know about you – but I am LOVING this weather! Stephen and I had our engagement photos taken Sunday morning and I could not have asked for a nicer day. I couldn’t help but snap a few pics myself…the views were gorgeous of downtown Richmond.

Even better? Midway through our photos, the train passed above us and we heard a cheerful, “Hellooo!”  from the conductor – Stephen’s day was then complete!

Mine however? My day was complete after we indulged in Bottom Up’s Pizza. NEWSFLASH ~ this was my FIRST time eating their pizza – yea I know…I’ve been living under a rock apparently!

It was INCREDIBLE. I ordered Karen’s Combo of spinach, sausage, ricotta and a whole lot of yummy goodness.

Stephen opted for the Meat Master with jalapeños  – needless to say we have no leftovers.

But forget about pizza – cause’ it’ TURKEY WEEK! 🙂 Hope you are off to a good Monday and stay dressed to dish!